Brasidas Strategies Innovation+ School of Market Readiness and Competitiveness

Brasidas Strategies Innovation+ School

Welcome to the Brasidas Strategies Innovation+ School of Market Readiness and Competitiveness, a groundbreaking educational institution dedicated to revolutionizing market readiness and competitiveness. Our mission at Brasidas Strategies is to bridge critical gaps, foster inclusion, and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to thrive in the rapidly evolving global economy. 

1. Bridging the Cybersecurity Labor Deficit: A National Economic Priority

Economic Impact of the Labor Gap:

  • The global cybersecurity market is expected to grow from $262.4 billion in 2027 to $345.4 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2020 to 2027 and 9.7% from 2027 to 2030¹.
  • The 4 million person cybersecurity workforce gap¹ not only hinders this growth but also leaves organizations vulnerable to cyber threats.
  • Cybercrime costs are projected to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025², a staggering 15% of the world's GDP³, emphasizing the urgent need to close the labor deficit.

Our Economic Approach:

  • Our targeted training programs are designed to quickly upskill professionals to fill critical cybersecurity roles, contributing to the sector's growth.
  • By closing the labor gap, we enable organizations to secure their digital assets, spurring innovation and economic growth across industries.
  • Our initiatives could potentially add trillions to the global economy by facilitating secure digital transformation and preventing catastrophic economic losses from cyberattacks.

2. Latino Representation in Tech and Startups: An Untapped Economic Engine

The Economic Disparity:

  • Latinos make up 18.7% of the U.S. population³ but hold only 8% of STEM jobs⁴ and receive less than 1% of large venture capital deals⁵.
  • This underrepresentation results in a massive untapped economic potential, as Latinos are starting businesses at 1.5 times the national average⁶.
  • Equalizing Latino representation could add $1.4 trillion to the U.S. GDP by 2060⁶, a 24% increase in the projected GDP without closing the gap.

Our Economic Focus:

  • We provide targeted support, mentorship, and resources to empower Latino entrepreneurs and increase their representation in tech and startups.
  • By fostering Latino-owned businesses and enabling their growth, we tap into a powerful driver of economic expansion and job creation.

Our initiatives work to ensure fair access to capital and resources, strengthening the overall economy and promoting inclusive growth.

3. Empowering Veterans and Minority-Owned Businesses: An Economic Imperative

Veteran-Owned Companies:

  • The 2.5 million veteran-owned businesses in the U.S. contribute over $1 trillion to the economy annually⁷, demonstrating their significant economic impact.
  • Despite this, veteran-owned firms are underrepresented in federal contracting, receiving only 4.4% of contracts in FY2021⁸, far below the 3% government-wide goal⁹.
  • Increasing veteran-owned business participation in federal contracting to the 3% goal could add billions to the U.S. economy annually.

Minority Representation in Government Contracts:

  • Minority-owned businesses receive only 10% of federal contract dollars, despite making up 37% of the population¹⁰.
  • Achieving parity in federal contracting could add $190 billion to the U.S. economy¹¹, a significant boost to economic growth.
  • Our programs provide education, networking opportunities, and support to help veteran and minority-owned businesses compete for and win government contracts, driving economic advancement.

4. Building Community to Combat Depression and Suicide: The Economic Toll

The Veteran Community:

  • Veteran suicides result in an economic loss of $5.9 billion per year¹², a tragic cost that extends beyond the immeasurable human impact.
  • The total economic burden of major depressive disorder in the U.S. is estimated at $326.2 billion¹³, including direct costs, suicide-related costs, and workplace costs.
  • These staggering figures highlight the urgent need to address mental health challenges in the veteran community.

Our Economic Approach:

  • We prioritize mental health support, community building, and resources to help veterans combat depression and suicide.
  • By investing in veteran well-being, we not only save lives but also yield significant economic returns through increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, and preserved human capital.
  • Our initiatives aim to create a supportive ecosystem that empowers veterans to thrive, contributing to economic growth and social stability.

The Brasidas Strategies Innovation+ School's initiatives tackle critical economic challenges head-on, addressing the cybersecurity labor deficit, underrepresentation of Latinos in tech and startups, disparities in government contracting, and the economic toll of veteran depression and suicide. By fostering inclusion, empowering underrepresented groups, and building supportive communities, we unlock trillions in economic potential and drive sustainable, equitable growth. Our comprehensive approach not only strengthens the economy but also creates a more just and prosperous society for all.

Join us in this transformative economic journey as we educate, inspire, and take action to build a brighter future together.


(1) ISC2 Publishes 2023 Workforce Study.

(2) Cybercrime To Cost The World $10.5 Trillion Annually By 2025.

(3) U.S. Hispanic population reached 62.5 million in 2021.

(4) Despite Comprising 18% of the U.S. Workforce, Hispanics are Underrepresented in STEM.

(5) Latinx-Owned Businesses, Less Than 1 Percent of VC Dollars in 2020.

(6) The economic state of Latinos in America: The American dream deferred.

(7) Veteran-owned businesses and their owners.

(8) FY2021 Small Business Procurement Scorecard.

(9) Federal Contracting: A Quick Guide for Small Businesses.

(10) The Billion Dollar Roundtable: Driving supplier diversity excellence.

(11) Diverse suppliers can add $280 billion to the US economy.$280-billion-to-the-us-e